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Blood sugar dysregulation as well as elevated CORTISOL can eat at the large muscles of your legs. Eating processed carbs can create  extreme blood sugar dips throughout your day destabilizing your energy levels. As a sugar burner skipping breakfast or daily carb requirements can deplete glycogen storages vital for energy. Without refeeding on carbohydrates every few hours the body freaks out in attempts to raise blood glucose back up to balance via cortisol into gluconeogenesis. Translation being a blood sugar dependent person can put you at risk to have skinny legs in the gym. Learn how to build nice and sizeable muscles in your legs via ketogenesis. It’s a win win non BS lifestyle 

8 thoughts on ““”

  • David Jacques

    I have been watching your videos and love them thanks.

    I have been on keto now for over 6 months and love it. However I am just realizing that I need to add more fat to my diet. I think I am eating equal amounts of protein and fat daily. I just bought some coconut oil and love it. I want to make some deserts that add fat without adding more protein. I am also very concerned about using artificial sweeteners like Stevia. I fear anything not natural. Any advice?

    Thanks again keep up the good work.


    • Stephanie Person Post author

      Hi David

      stevia is NOT an artificial sweetener it is a plant native to South America. It is part of the sunflower family and its leaves are naturally sweet. In fact, the indigenous people used to chew them for their sweet taste and use them to naturally sweeten beverages.

      You can add pure stevia extract back into your diet


  • Martin Alexander

    I have a number of complications that bother @#$%$% out of me.
    1. Type II diabetes
    2. Bell’s Palsy
    3. Skinny Legs
    4. Peripheral neuropathy
    Can you suggest anything to help anyone or more of whats on that list.

    • Stephanie Person Post author

      H Martin

      I’m not sure what specifically you are looking for in an answer but of course getting your body highly keto adapted will improve all of your health complications. How you do it is a huge answer that needs a background story

      Cheers S

    • Joao Carvalho

      I there.

      For type 2, type 1 or any other type diabetes you have to take a Chromium and Vanadium suplements. Your red blood cells wall are damage because they are short in chromium and vanadium and that results in insulin resistance.

      For the other problems i never researched about them because i don’t need to. I don’t know anyone close to me with that kinda a problem.

      See Dr. Joel Wallach and Dr. Peter Glidden work.
      Search them in youtube.

      Best regards

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